Monday, May 05, 2008

Some photos and 1 video

Here are the first set of photos of my trip into bangkok. I also took a short video of a group of women making some great thai curry at a local weekend market....amazing stuff!!!

check it out

here is the vid


Beatnik said...

great photos! looks amazing! The cutest thing was your smile pix tho.

shawn said...


Kate said...

Dude, I am happy you were smashed in that fucking Myanmar Cyclone. Cause according to Google, Myanmar is Thailand's next door neighbor.

Also, I bet you're eating like CONSTANTLY. Cause that's what I'd be doing if I was around all that weird good food.

That and laying on the sand like a beached whale.

Beatnik said...

seriously! stay away from cyclones, unless they're at coney island!

Anonymous said...


Glad things are going well for you. I feel like we are on the Karma continuum of travel. Altho, 17 hours on the train to "Bone Island" is not as grand as Asia. I can totally relate to your "dream" statement. At least you did not have to wait as long as I did. I am lucky to be married to a great person who can understand this need, tho.
I'll be reading!! Pat.