Wednesday, May 07, 2008

i got some stimulus!

yo dudez!!

uncle sam just threw me a cash advance from my own tax return for 2009.
I just got my stimulus check!!

I however will be not spending it anywhere near USA, and opting to spend it SE Asia!

maybe even for some Burmese cyclone relief.


Beatnik said...

I guess we'll be spending ours in Asia too, seeing as how everything is made there! Anyway, enjoy the cash! xo

Kate said...

AH HAH! Take that, Uncle Sam!

Wouldn't it figure that the one time in months when I could really use some money my SSN ends in 95.


I'd say spend it on some whores, but I have a stereotypical feeling that whores in SE Asia are a little more "unsavory" than in the USA.

Come to think of it, prostitutes everywhere are just plain nasty.